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Everything posted by littlewing6283

  1. Awesome. Did you get roller feet for the singer as well. I too have a smaller pulley coming for my other machine with a clutch motor. Another thing that helped me slow down my other garment machine is something I read Wiz comment on an old post, a tennis ball underneath the pedal. It helped me control the clutch motor a lot better as I was used to servos. Thanks fort the feedback Wiz. I have some teflon feet that came in a set I bought. I had a question regarding this. When is it preferrable to use teflon feet vs the roller foot ? Also is the roller foot easy to attach ? I saw a video on you tube that was pretty straightforward but I did not understand why on some videos they were taking the side plate off of the sewing machine and making adjustments. Thanks for the feed dog tip I'll pickup the other two combos since Im assuming my machine comes with the medium set. I also picked up the set with just one row which is what came with the roller foot set. I saw the titanium needles when I was looking for leather point needles, I'm assuming titatnium needles would be ok to use or is there such a thing as titanium leather point needles ? One last comment, am I seriously shortening the life of the machine by turning it into a light leather sewer ? Will I have to retime it more adjustments/service more frequently. The good thing is I wont be trying anything too heavy on it since I have other machine for that. Thanks
  2. Good evening folks I'm a fiend and added a machine to the stable. I came up on a used Juki 5550 and will primarily use that as my garment machine. Ive been using a yamata 8700 (basically a juki 8700 clone) for my garment sewing. I was wondering what I would need to sew lightweight garment leather/lightweight leather. No more than 2 pieces of chrome tanned or other lighter types of leather of the 2/3oz variety. I know it wouldnt have the umph to sew through Veg tan. I have a cobra class 4 and Consew 1206rb to sew the thicker stuff. I just thought I could dedicate this to sewing watch rolls, wallet interiors, small bags and pouches. Mainly I wanted to dedicate it to light leather. All I really want to be able to do is sew with a #18 leatherpoint needle with bonded nylon #69 thread. Already has a servo so I can sew slow when I need to. So far heres the buy list. - Already ordered leather point needles #18, waiting for it to arrive - roller foot set w/ feed dog and plate - silcone spray ? saw a youtube video from atlas levy with this but im unsure if I should buy some or not. Anything I am missng ? Has anyone been successful with this type of setup. I read some threads where people with a 31-15 set theirs up like this. Any advice of comments are appreciated.
  3. I dont want to count my chickens before they hatch but I think were good. Went up a needle size and played with the tension.
  4. Thanks Tom ive been following that thread closely as well. Im literally at wits end right now. It would be ok then not ok again. Im hoping the needle change helps. Is there any trouble shooting process you can advise so I can work the problem ?
  5. Argghhhhh this is driving me crazy now. Im not sure where to start in the troubleshooting process. Im going to try and pick up some 23 needles tomorrow.
  6. Hmmmmm, thats a good idea. I'll try to get my hands on some 23 needles thanks I do not fully lift the foot. Just lift it enough to turn the material.
  7. Hey Colt, Thanks for the response. Do you think my tension is correct on the machine and I should stop futzing with it and just work on technique ? Thanks
  8. I was faced with this decision and opted for the 1206 to save the little bit of money. I have a Cobra Class 4 for my heavier stuff and wanted a medium duty machine for the lighter stuff. Shes served me well until I messed with the setting and and going crazy. See my thread I started. I like the auto bobbin winder and I havnt had any issues with leather type on it.
  9. I want to thank everyone that chimed into help with my foot issue. I have a new problem now and its driving me crazy and im at my wits end. My tension issue is literally giving me a tension headache hahahahha. Ive got it very close but now im stuck on how to solve this issue. I dont have issues on the straight runs. Its when I turn a corner Im having a loose thread on the underside. I make sure to turn with the need in the material just above bottom dead center. Any tips are appreciated. Facts: Machine Consew P1206rb Needle size 22 Thread 138 bonded nylon Front Back Back Pile of ANGER
  10. Thanks for the feedback everyone. If the outer toe is the actual issue I wonder if I can use the OEM double foot and use the AM center foot which is really what Im after anyways. Would this cause any issues ?Just spitballing since I cant text it out right now as im in the office.
  11. Thanks for the feedback Eric. Ill post some more photos so maybe it will give a better view. I have the same issues with other feet that are the same size as the OEM feet. I would really like to use these feet because of visibility. any tips would be appreciated
  12. Hello, I wanted to post this question to the brain trust as there are many knowledgeable people on this forum. The machine in question is a Consew p1206rb. It has been a great machine but I want to change feet on it. Ive tried the edging foot and this foot I will show in the picture. For some reason when I change feet I loose tension. My stitches will not pull through. Sometimes ive had to max it out just to sew through 2-3 oz of leather. When I put the feet it came with back on it goes back to normal. Is there any correlation with feet and tension ? Photos. AM Feet OEM Feet Stitching on Right side is with the AM Feet Lt side is OEM Feet Stitching on Right side is AM Feet Lt side is OEM feet. Notice how I have a lot more tension on the left stitch. Settings were not changed. I would appreciate any insight anyone could provide.
  13. This is my first post. I like you joined the forum because everytime I searched it led me back here. I was in the same position you were in. I ended up going with The Class 4. I personally spent time with David and Steve at the shop and they were very knowledgeable and helpful. It doesnt hurt that I live 15 mins from the shop so it was an easy choice for me but regardless I would do business even if I was far away. They are VERY helpful. I was initially interested in the class 18 because I mainly do wallets, guitar straps, watch strap, pouches. Generally smaller goods. I did mention I wanted to get into bags and bigger items. This led me to the bigger machines because of potential thread limitations. Class 3 and Class4 are the same except for the obvious difference in arm sizing. I was leaning towards the 3 but the price difference between the two is nominal so I figured might as well buy the bigger one just in case. My only regret is not buying the prem package and going with just the standard. The extra feet, edge guide, and table would have been useful for me since this will be my only leather machine for awhile. It will need to handle a multitude of tasks. Well thats my story. I hope it helps.
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