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Mira Design Group

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Everything posted by Mira Design Group

  1. Wiz and Eric, I was able to get the assembly out. Cleaned it up and set it up as suggested. tried a few more stitches and it sewed great. However, as you said Wiiz, when I tried heavier material the problems came back. I guess it maybe time to start hustling some more so I can upgrade to a different machine. Unless I can find parts for this one. Still at a loss on where to order them as I can't find any info for this thing. What i have noticed is that some of my extra parts from the Union Special 61400A fit. (Bobbin and holder). The only reason I have been using this more is that it has a reverse and my Union Special doesn't. Uwe, I was wondering the same thing at first. I used the picture you posted and it looks to be the recommended left twist thread.
  2. Wizcraft, Thank you for the great info. I honestly don't know if it's threaded right because I can't find a manual for it. I've gotten it to sew great with lighter threads and that's one of the reasons I figured it was threaded right. However, for some reason this particular thread combo is giving me these result. Eric, I'll have to look into the check spring and how to move it as this machine doesn't have the set screw that your mentioning. I watched it last night as it was sewing and it is definitely going through the thread and then starts doing what you see in the picture. I was able to get it to run about 24" without any problems but the tension on the top was set to the max and it kept clicking due to the tension being so high. As I backed it off to where the clicking noise went away the shredding cam back. Which makes me believe that the check spring is what I need to make sure is adjusted right when I get home tonight. I must say this is probably the best form I have been on in years. There's a lot of knowledge for machines I couldn't find anywhere else. I even was able to order a personal leather stamp from one of the sponsors. Respectfully, Ed
  3. Ok, have another sewing machine question on this industrial New Home Machine. I have attached a picture of the machine and the model number. I can't seem to find any information. My google fu is weak for some reason. Any help is greatly appreciated. Next question is the shredding of the thread. Keeps happening no matter what I have been doing with thread and needle combo. What you see in the picture is size 18 needle and #69 bonded nylon.
  4. Is it necessary to get the Large bobbin and shuttle to use the larger threads. I recently picked up I think 225 (I can make sure when I get home) and tried running it in my Adler and kept having problems. I'm got a size 25 needle for it to match the thread. Just keeps tangling up underneath the leather. All other thread and needle combos up to this point have been no problem. The tangling issue normally is a tension problem but I adjusted it to the max on both the upper tensioner and bobbin but just doesn't seem to want to work. So I did a little research and it appears that they have a large bobbin and shuttle available. Just wanted to see if anyone else had tried it before I make the big purchase. Thanks, Ed
  5. Fist attempt with the holster using the heat shrink. Here's my Adler 30-10.
  6. Ok, I had some heat shrink tubing and I must say that was a freaking stroke of genius! The marks are still there but very slight now and after I wet form my holsters I'm pretty sure they will not even be noticeable. It did however increase the stitches per inch.
  7. So I finally got my Adler back after being serviced. It works wonderfully for now with the #69 thread. Plan to start using heavier thread. My question is for those that own shoe pitcher's. How do you get your to mark less on the leather. Especially the Veg tanned? I've tried to lighten the foot pressure but still pretty bad. I read a few post where people have used a lower pound thread but I really would like to use heavier thread. I was going to see about filing down the bottom of the feet but that's the last resort since original parts are so hard to find. So far I have been playing with Singer 29 parts and they have been fitting pretty well. Ordered one of their feet and if they fit will probably sand it. I'll post pictures later.
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