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  1. Still available? I'm interested. I believe you have my PayPal add already.
  2. Dam@it, I should have checked sooner. I did sent you a pm last week asking if you had anything coming up.
  3. Thanks for the tip. I havent looked in a while, as the last time I checked with Maverick there were very little scraps that ended up being usable. I'll give them a shot again.
  4. Hello Everyone, I'm looking for various pieces of exotic leather. I'm a fledgeling watch strap hobbyist, looking for pieces of 1 to 3 square feet. Potentially scraps if 1 inch wide and 6+ inches long. Open to just about any exotics, or bison, shrunken grain leather, or anyhting interesting and with a lot of character. Feel free to get intouch on here, or email directly at moscar80@gmail Thanks!
  5. Thanks very much for the tips guys. I was under the impression that edge paint is the answer I was going to receive. I'm a fan of thick straps, so mine will mostly be 24 or 26mm wide, and 4-5mm thick. Pretty thick by strap standards. In my inexperienced perception, edge slicking with a dremel seemed like the go to easy way to not screw it up since I certainly do not have a surgeons hands, and was afraid that using edge paints without absolute precision would make my work look ametuerish. But, I'll do whatever it takes to get good. I was also hesitant to just sue edge paint since I'm concerned with long term durability, peeling, etc. So, just to clarify, the consensus is that unless its veg tan, edge paint it? Bikermuttt, thanks for the tandy clearance tip--I just checked the site out, and can't find that they carry it online? Did you score that deal in store? I see the new eco-flo stuff, but the other style white bottles with the fenice logo in the upper left corner of the label isn't on there as far as I can tell. Fanninator, that edge does look nice. Thanks very much for the advice guys.
  6. Hello everyone, I'm new to leather, and have OCD tendencies when it comes to doing something correctly. I'm getting into making myself watch straps as a hobby. I have various exotics, regular leathers, some chromexcel, some shrunken shoulders, shark, elephant, etc. I haven't started yet, as I want to know what not to do. I'm trying to figure out what the correct way to dye or edge paint two dissimilar leathers. Say using leather type 1 on top, and a second leather as the liner against the wrist. For example, if I want to make a strap out of elephant, and use Horween Dryden as the liner. The elephant has no pull up that I can see. The Dryden is a waterproof nubuck that is combination tanned. Is there somewhere that I can learn what types of leather finishes are needed for each type of product? And when to know what to use? edge paint, or dye and seal it with beeswax/burnish? I know the easiest answer is to take a piece of each and experiment. Easier said than done when you've collected 30+ hides and need long term destructive testing done on each method. So I'm searching for a table, list, someone's experience, general rules, etc. I don't want to make too many mistakes. Many thanks in advance for any advice! Lance
  7. Sent PM re: Whiskey Elephant
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