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Everything posted by PaperQueen

  1. Newbie here...thanks for allowing me to join. I've dyed a piece of sheepskin with Eco-Flo for the purpose of becoming a Fauxdori journal cover. Took three passes to get to a rich red (instead of a pinkish red). As a result, the leather is stiff as a board, which means it's time to move to the moisture step. In reading numerous posts, I've heard various moisturizers discussed, but no mention of Lexol Leather Conditioner. I have a bottle on hand, and am wondering if that's a viable option, or if there's something in Lexol that will strip down the dye...? After that, I'll hit it with Kiwi Neutral wax polish, then buff slightly (hoping for an end result of soft, matte finish leather). Just need to get it back to pliable status first. Shared wisdom, anyone...? Thanks!
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