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Everything posted by vander

  1. So I have really been wanting to try and braid a bosal after lookin at all the amazing ones you guys do... and so before I ruin or waste a bunch of rawhide I have been practicing with p-cord. I am using a length of lariat as my core... and my braid whether it be a 8 strand, 10, or 12 strand is coming out uneven. the front(part that you see when braiding) looks great, but the back comes out uneven... its straight but the V's are longer in the back. So I am tryin to figure out if I'm not pulling the strings tight enough, too tight... what do you guys think I;m doin wrong? I have Bruce Grants braiding encyclopedia but still can't figure out how to fix it! any help would be greatly appreciated I have been fighting this for two days now. Vander
  2. Ok so I have a friend who had an old StriptEase cutter and I have cut about ten ft of 1/8 wide lace from a circle of rawhide that was about 14.5in in diameter. my question now is how do I straighten it out, just wet it and stretch it lightly or what? thanks in advance vander.
  3. Does anyone have a picture of their string cutters that they could possibly post... I dont have the money to buy and expensive one and am looking for an idea to make one from. thanks vander
  4. vander

    bull ropes

    Dusty, Thanks for the info... thats about exactly what I was looking for... now that that is out how hard is it to retwist the rope. some pics would be great if you had the time thanks again. vander
  5. vander

    bull ropes

    I have a question for anyone who can answer it... how do you know if it is good poly rope before you buy it, and after untwisting all the strands how do you "cure" it before braiding? thanks vance
  6. vander

    elk/deer rawide

    Thanks for the replies and advice, i was really hope it could be a cheap way to get some rawhide for braiding, but guess i will have to try and get ahold of a cow hide. I suppose that with the stretchiness it wouldnt be worth trying to use it for bosal cores? Thanks again.
  7. Does anyone on here use it... I was pondering using the hide off my deer and elk this year to make some rawhide. Also if anyone has any experience with it, is the process any different considering the hollow hair of deer and elk? any awnsers will help. Thanks Vander
  8. vander

    String cutter

    What is your prefered rawhide cutter? Has anyone made their own, I'm just starting and am looking for advice? thanks
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