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  1. Your post is old, but I just saw your question last night while googling the saddle maker. Fuqua made custom (made to measure) saddles for many years for Simon's of Albuquerque during the late 50's and 60's. His design for the equitation saddle eventually gave birth to the saddle marketed by Circle Y's "Jack Bates Equitation saddle" produced in 70's (which is another story). Simon's of Albuquerque changed its retail focus from Western Wear/ranch supply after it got the contract to supply police uniforms for most of New Mexico's law enforcement agencies. My guess is Fugua moved to Texas after Simon's closed its tack department and took what materials remained with him. I never knew for certain where Fuqua went afterwards for certain. My two brothers and I all had saddles made by Fuqua and one brother still rides his at age 70. (14 inch seat....wow) I would expect there is a collector or two out there, maybe including me that might be interested in the saddle if you still have it. Reg Woodard Albuquerque, NM
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