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    Briefcase, bags

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    Card holders
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    Edge finishing, and large piece dyeing
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  1. I've always been intrigued by traditional hand woven shoes, but I can't seem to find anybody who teaches it or knows how to do it. I'll be a very happy man if somebody can teach me how to do it, and we can always work out something (payment). I think they are very beautiful, and suitable for a lot of occasions. Can anybody help me?
  2. Hi all, been asked by my friend to copy a checkbook holder. Everything seems pretty straightforward except for the hidden card slots. It could have probably been shared here before, but is anybody to help me out? How do we lay it out internally so that we do not see the seams on the outside? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance! https://www.byndartisan.com/personalised-leather-gifts/48-cheque-book-holder.html?search_query=cheque&results=1#/9-colour-red
  3. let me try it on my end to see if I can get it out! however, I believe it's done using this technique, after turning it outside in.
  4. I somewhat get what you mean, but it's abit confusing, considering where the camera sits. I am more interested with the design and way to make, rather than the pouch itself. I also think that it serves no purpose and doesnt protect the camera.
  5. hi guys, I've been searching and I chanced upon this pouch from Rock N Roll straps. What is puzzling me is, how do they keep all their sewing hidden, especially the part where the camera is put in. I believe it's done all in a single piece (or it might be broken up at the bottom), but I just can't understand which part goes first and how it's done. Can anybody help me?!
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