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Everything posted by Hannahlrain

  1. I am finally about to begin actually working on some leather projects, placed my first order on some leather yesterday along with some other "must have" tools I still lacked.

    My first project will be making a clip on holder to attach to my saddle that will hold a 30 oz Yeti/Ozark tumbler. 

    Hopefully I am not being too ambitious, as I've not ever even saddle stitched or laced before and I will probably be doing both on this little project.



    1. Dwight


      Not really all that ambitious, . . . make the first one out of some cheap / scrap belly leather, . . . it will give you a feel for stitching and lacing.  

      Stain / dye it and finish it, . . . post pictures, . . . then put it up on a shelf and start on the second one. 

      The second one will show you the area you want tooled and stamped, . . . you can make an overlay pattern to use on the main body of that new holder, . . . then you can spend 20 or so hours tooling and stamping, . . . some more stitching and lacing, . . . and show everyone the second project, . . . that you will actually attach to your saddle for barrel racing :rolleyes:

      Holler at us if you need some help.

      May God bless,


    2. Hannahlrain
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