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Everything posted by 180sx

  1. Hey, new to leather craft. Just finished reupholstering a steering wheel for my car for the first time ever. Very hard to do, to get it perfectly measured and the pattern cut out properly, and to do it without a sewing machine. Anyways, after wasting nearly a whole half hide of perforated leather, i finally got a product I was happy with. This is my last issue, the leather, in the corner bunches up and creates these wrinkles, that I'd like to remove if possible, the leather isnt very thick, id say 2mm or so, but here are the pictures anyways. Just wondering if there is a way to massage the leather somehow so its not as wrinkly/bunched up, i tried poling a needle in the perforations to offset the bunching up, but it didnt do much. imgur gallery link for photos: http://imgur.com/a/8pL5V
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