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  1. Thanks guys! It was quit a challenge!
  2. LOL.... We had bit off just about all we could chew this time. LOL Thank you for the replies! It is really appreciated!
  3. I know that this should have probably been put with the motorcycles but, I wanted to make sure the holster guys seen it also! Something a little different that a customer wanted for their Harley!
  4. Well since we have only been doing this since April of this year we have discovered that WOW there is so much to learn! I am not ashamed in saying that. A neighbor of ours has a Harley and wanted us to try his motorcycle seats. He wanted 2 holsters hanging down from the main seat and initials on the back rest. I knew it was going to be a hard job to tackle but, we did tackle it and I know that there are mistakes that show. I just wanted to share with the group how ours turned out. All of them I seen on here are amazing to say the least! The back piece that holds the holsters is detachable with pull the dot snaps.
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