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About PioneerMuseum67

  • Rank
    New Member

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  • Location
    Sweetwater, TX
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  • Leatherwork Specialty
  • Interested in learning about
    S D Myres
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    Google search
  1. Hi flynscot, thank you for posting this! I was in the middle of a little research about S. D. Myres and came across your photos and history. I'm the director of the Pioneer City County Museum in Sweetwater and I thought you might be interested in knowing that we are currently working with UNT to digitize most of the photographs and letters in our Myres' collection. We also have moved the collection was the "Barn" to inside the Chapel so that the pieces will be better preserved. We're glad that you visited us and hope to see you again sometime! We also have a new website that you can find here www.pioneermuseumtx.org We are continually working on it to make it better so please check back from time to time and thank you for your interest in Tio Sam!
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