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    How to work with leather like a pro.
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  1. Im assuming you put a sealant over the acrylics to make it hold. But I will probably end up using dye. On another note. What's the proper storage for my leather. I have it just in my closet for now which has made my room smell beautiful. But I live in a very humid environment and the leather is already getting softer by the day which is no problem but is there a point where it does become a problem?
  2. Can I hard boil my leather first then dye it? I'm using 12/13 oz cowhide is there a way to make the leather softer? Because as it is it's quite rigid which works great for after I am finished working with it.
  3. I will do. As soon as I start
  4. Hey to all. I am very new to leather working. My first project is a set of leather armour that I am making for re enactment. I would always appreciate a guiding hand. I love learning about new things and plan to make my first piece look great. I am glad to find a community of leather workers that will be willing to share their knowledge.
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