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Everything posted by Tigerlilyleather

  1. Hi Ron thanks for answering me. The problem I have is that I am worried that I won't make back the money I spent on the machine as I predominantly make dog collars that rarely require stitching. It is a new venture into horse gear that I really need the sewing machine for. I think I really need to find a used machine but it is so hard to know if it is in good shape. I am in Canada and I have never seen any machines for sale ever that sew that thickness in leather. Would you have any suggestions of any reputable places that sell used machines like the cowboy? thanks Holly
  2. Hi everyone i have been making dog collars and leads for some time now and have been asked to make an awful lot of horse things lately. I have discovered that most things for horses must be sewn and I am tired of hand sewing. Could anyone recommend a good sewing machine for up to two pieces of 9-12 oz leather? I don't want to spend a ton of money ideally. Tandy leather of course only recommends the Boss which seems excessively expensive for a machine powered by a lever. If it was a wheel you spun I could see that more but not a lever. Thanks Holly
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