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Posts posted by Denster

  1. 400 is a steal even if you had to send it in for a rebuild. There are a number of good videos, many of which Tippmann posted, regarding the bos on You Tube. From my experience the Boss likes nylon thread over poly. Thread size either 277 or 346. Buy a bunch of extra bobbins. Mount it solidly the Boss does not operate well on a flimsy mount. You will want S suffix chisel point needles.

  2. You had an episode of Hermann Oak from Hell. When I was going through thirty to fifty sides per year I could count on having and least four or five that were virtually impossible to cut with a round knife. Had to use a razor knife with a hook blade pulled around the pattern and stropped frequently. The upside is that those sides made excellent holsters. Never figured out what caused it but others have posted on the same problem.

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