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Everything posted by Pebbles

  1. I bought some tablecloth vinyl today, it was great for pattern. It was easy to draw lines with a pencil on it, even better to cut (like butter). It doesn't however behave anything like leather. Now I know what kind of fabric I need, "tusen tack" as we say in Swedish, thats "a thousand thanks" :-D You mean I should use belly leather for the yokes and belts on the chinks, or for pattern?
  2. Being new to this leather business, I really appreciate this forum and all the great hints and tutorial in here. I´m looking to make a pair of chinks for myself, being a bit on the "anxious side" I really liked Dwight´s advice with the nylon backed fabric as pattern. Since Swedish being my native language I´m not sure which fabric that is, is it "the Tablecloth Vinyl" shown on the online store?
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