Hey guys/gals
I reckon this will double as an intro post. I've been interested in leather working for some time now, but have hung back due to other hobbies. This past weekend I took a basic Carving/tooling class at Tandy for kicks and was really taken aback how calming tooling was. I was also pretty impressed how quickly a carving came to life even in novice hands. Anyways, I think I'd like to get into it a bit more but had a couple questions before I really dive in.
A couple projects that immediately spring to mind is a guitar strap or two, beer koozie (I had a specific design I found but wasn't sure about posting others works on here), little pouch for guitar picks, and perhaps holsters.
I've come to understand that I'll need a good quality swivel knife, basic carving stamps, a good no bounce surface, a variety of cutting tools like edgers and skivers. I guess my question is are there any tools in particular that stand out to you now that you wish you would have had as a beginner? I don't have a problem investing in intermediate level tools to start with. I come from several tool laden hobbies and know its buy once cry once haha.
I would like to start with hand sewing, I've heard Al Stohlmans book on this is quite mandatory. Right now I have the Leatherwork Manual by Al and others, How to Make Holsters, and The Leatherwork Handbook by Valerie Miachel (sp?). They were all quite helpful.
My last question is about leather itself and buying it. I spent a fair bit of time wandering around after the class and found that a large section of the store is dedicated to kits. I'm not sure if that's my thing but it seems some folks recommend them? Once you've bypassed the kit level what is the best way to buy leather? Browsing the straps I found several for the size of belts but thought they were quite high priced, is it more economical to buy the large pieces? If so, what tools should I be prepared for when breaking down from large pieces?
I'm sure I've missed some things, any input is greatly appreciated. All the best
Sermper Fi,