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  • Location
    Portland, Maine
  • Interests
    Sewing leather - upholstery weight

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    maker of leather slippers
  • Interested in learning about
    sewing machines
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  1. Thank you so much Bob - greatly appreciated!!
  2. Hi All, Hopefully wondering if anyone has a scanned manual for the Tacsew T111-155 they could send my way? Thanks!
  3. Hi All, Thank you so much for your feedback on this topic! LopezJ is correct, the pieces are sewn flat and then assembled, so I think I can do with a flatbed, which would help me keep my costs down. I am going to do a little more research on machines and I may PM you, Uwe, for more info on your Seiko STH-8BLD-3. I will also check out the Durkopp Adler 867. Thanks!
  4. Hi sewing machine experts... This is my first post as a new member - I hope I am posting in the right place... I make leather baby shoes (really slippers - see picture attached) and am looking to buy my first substantial sewing machine so I can amp up production. I have been using an old Kenmore 148.156 that I purchased at GoodWill, which is obviously NOT ideal and slow going - I am surprised it hasn't broken yet. The leather I am using is very soft, 3-5 oz but I am sometimes sewing through 3 layers so I need a fair amount to clearance. After reading through Wizcrafts topic on, "The Type Of Sewing Machine You Need To Sew Leather", it looks like what I may want is something like a Consew 206RB walking foot machine, or something similar. Does that sounds right? I found this option on Ebay, http://www.ebay.com/itm/Consew-206RB-5-Walking-Foot-Leather-Sewing-Machine-/182292952645?hash=item2a7181b645:g:DjAAAOSwmfhX6u92, which looks pretty decent to me (not sure about the 1/2hp clutch motor), but I really don't feel sufficiently confident in my knowledge as of yet to make a purchase, so was hoping for some advice from you experts! He also mentions that you want to buy a Japan made machine but Im not sure how to discern where this was manufactured. Any help is greatly appreciated!
  5. Hi sewing machine experts... This is my first post as a new member - I hope I am posting in the right place... I make leather baby shoes (really slippers - see picture attached) and am looking to buy my first substantial sewing machine so I can amp up production. I have been using an old Kenmore 148.156 that I purchased at GoodWill, which is obviously NOT ideal and slow going - I am surprised it hasn't broken yet. The leather I am using is very soft, 3-5 oz but I am sometimes sewing through 3 layers so I need a fair amount to clearance. After reading through Wizcrafts topic on, "The Type Of Sewing Machine You Need To Sew Leather", it looks like what I may want is something like a Consew 206RB walking foot machine, or something similar. Does that sounds right? I found this option on Ebay, http://www.ebay.com/itm/Consew-206RB-5-Walking-Foot-Leather-Sewing-Machine-/182292952645?hash=item2a7181b645:g:DjAAAOSwmfhX6u92, which looks pretty decent to me (not sure about the 1/2hp clutch motor), but I really don't feel sufficiently confident in my knowledge as of yet to make a purchase, so was hoping for some advice from you experts! He also mentions that you want to buy a Japan made machine but Im not sure how to discern where this was manufactured. Any help is greatly appreciated!
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