Hi sewing machine experts... This is my first post as a new member - I hope I am posting in the right place... I make leather baby shoes (really slippers - see picture attached) and am looking to buy my first substantial sewing machine so I can amp up production. I have been using an old Kenmore 148.156 that I purchased at GoodWill, which is obviously NOT ideal and slow going - I am surprised it hasn't broken yet. The leather I am using is very soft, 3-5 oz but I am sometimes sewing through 3 layers so I need a fair amount to clearance.
After reading through Wizcrafts topic on, "The Type Of Sewing Machine You Need To Sew Leather", it looks like what I may want is something like a Consew 206RB walking foot machine, or something similar. Does that sounds right?
I found this option on Ebay, http://www.ebay.com/itm/Consew-206RB-5-Walking-Foot-Leather-Sewing-Machine-/182292952645?hash=item2a7181b645:g:DjAAAOSwmfhX6u92, which looks pretty decent to me (not sure about the 1/2hp clutch motor), but I really don't feel sufficiently confident in my knowledge as of yet to make a purchase, so was hoping for some advice from you experts! He also mentions that you want to buy a Japan made machine but Im not sure how to discern where this was manufactured. Any help is greatly appreciated!