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Everything posted by Blicax

  1. thanks Man.. Respect.. many thanks :D
  2. Hello again ppl, Can u guys tell me how to make this kind of pokets? on a single leather sheet.. Many thanks ppl :D
  3. Many thanks guys
  4. hi ppl, i dont undurstand nothing of what he say, but can u tell me what kind of dye is it, what can we put the leather with this color and type.. and if there is any english video explaining the process Many thanks
  5. hi guys.. i have heard and sow few wallests/purses with what they call.. platina finish.. or platina dye,,, can u guys tell me more about that? How to make it.. how to dye the leather? what products to use? Many thanks
  6. Guys what do u think about this thread? New sajou Fil Au Chinois "Lin Cable"#432 and the best neadles to work with him? Regards
  7. Guys what do u think about this thread? New sajou Fil Au Chinois "Lin Cable"#432 and the best neadles to work with him? Regards
  8. have u try to use water to fold him? and many thanks for the tips..
  9. many thanks ppl :D
  10. the pouch its for me.. i thought to use only leather.. its better to use smthg to keep tobacco away from the leather? regards
  11. Hey guys.. wana try to make 1 of those messenger bags for me.. what kind of leather do u guys advice? Veg tan leather for that hard look.. but how many oz? Thanks ppl
  12. O saw the last vídeo. How can be make 2 colors using 1 and adding álcool?can u guys tell me how to make it?? Thanks 
  13. Hi again guys.. for my second project.. i wana try to make some tabaco pouch.. atm i only have cow veg leather.. 1,8mm.. its nice to make it. or its better to use a soft leather? or can i use smthg to put the lether more soft.. Many thanks guys.
  14. Ye guys Many thanks.. here is my fist atemp and fist work.. my fist wallet :D
  15. Many thanks ppl.. i ill post my try later
  16. Hey guys.. starting my first leather pieces.. wana ask u guys how to make those 2 tipes of color in the same peace of leather.. its possible right?? How to make it?? For example.. those 2 color on the picture.. any tutorial or smthing that u can read or watch. Sorry my English
  17. Hey guys.. starting my first leather pieces.. wana ask u guys how to make those 2 tipes of color in the same peace of leather.. its possible right?? How to make it?? For example.. those 2 color on the picture.. any tutorial or smthing that u can read or watch. Sorry my English
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