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Everything posted by jacobkoski

  1. Is your machine still available? does it have a speed reducer?
  2. This is sold- thank you all
  3. I added 3" plate steel to base to make overall dimensions 15 x 20 Added foot pedal for lifter (thanks for this recommendation) using mountain bike brake cable and housing Painted- added beautiful flat bed attachment from UWE http://www.ebay.com/usr/uwe?_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2754 I am very happy with its stability and footprint. Now I need to get rid of old table : ( The next four pictures show the cable routing for lifter foot
  4. Great points! The base I have used is 12" x 20". Not very large. It is 5/8" solid steel plate so its pretty heavy. I feel no issues with tipping left to right, but I may add a few inches in the front to back dimension (the 12") to offset a slight tippyness. I could, for example push the machine over with a medium shove. I appreciate the pedal input. I made on pedal already might as well figure out how to make another! Any thoughts on optimum sitting and standing heights for cylinder machines? Or typical heights? We mostly due small things (bags, purses, wallets) and imagine sitting a lot- I may add the ability to raise height if need be. As it is now it is about 37.5" to the feed dog from the floor. Trying to get these pictures on....
  5. I am building a custom table for my cylinder bed machine. A Pfaff 335. I have a day and a half into the project and pictures will follow. We have limited space and so a small footprint was required welding and woodwork was involved! i have about a day and a half in this- less probably. All scrap or on hand material. What I haven't figured out yet: lifter foot actuator (we are thinking a knee operated lever) lighting, paint, maybe more ballast or outriggers for stability.
  6. I am interested in what you come up with. I just bought a Pfaff 335 and am going to make a MUCH smaller table then the one it comes with (picture included) I plan on reversing the motor and mounting it directly below. These machines are so top heavy I think I am going to allow for some bricks or something in the bottom for ballast.
  7. I have it taken apart and its relatively flat- so may be less Lets call it $75 free shipping to contiguous US- please email direct if you want it. Paypal or Cash app
  8. probably 35? I have it taken apart and its relatively flat- so may be less
  9. See here a sit down style, pedal actuated stitching pony in near new shape! 50$ plus shipping from Colorado 970-379-4959 jacobkoski@gmail.com
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