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Everything posted by Schroedc

  1. This database can also help for Singer machines, by looking up the serial number you can at least figure out what family and approximate date of manufacture if not what sub model http://ismacs.net/singer_sewing_machine_company/serial-numbers/singer-sewing-machine-serial-number-database.html
  2. I do have a FB page for the business, facebook.com/turnedwriteart My Etsy shop wasn't worth the time so it's mostly dormant right now
  3. Pictures of the current needle and bobbin setup may help. Here is a link to the 1937 manual for it that has some charts on needle size to thread size for the machine, not sure how it'd translate to leather work. As far as the bobbins go, looks to me like the standard Singer bobbin they used for years (I quilt some so have a number of older singers and they all take that bobbin. https://www.manualslib.com/manual/364415/Singer-151w1.html#manual
  4. I've been getting 30.00 a set plus postage. Those are made out of Cocobolo, I've also done them out of Osage and other woods.
  5. So far I've been doing some basic sheaths for knives, the occasional plain belt and leather inserts in tabletops.
  6. I found this forum through a gentleman named Neal Yeager. I'm mainly a woodworker/woodturner for a living but have been using more and more leather in my shop to enhance some of what I make. Neal had asked for a pair of burnishing tools to fit a dremel and mentioned this site as a great resource. Looking forward to learning the right way to do things
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