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    Antique autos

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    leather upholstery
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  1. Many thanks Wiz.
  2. Thanks Wiz. I've read that there are some machines that are essentially a copy of the 111. Can I reasonably expect that a welt foot from one of these will do the job?
  3. I've watched some videos and done some reading on making a double welt (to cover upholstery staples). I think I can do this with the correct feet for my 111W155 machine but I can't seem to find any definitions on double welt dimensioning. For example, if I get 8/32 foam double welt does this mean the diameter of each cord is 8/32 or is it the overall width of the two cords side by side? For the double welt sewing feet, same thing, is the dimension listed the overall width of the double welt it will sew? Also, when buying a double welt foot set should I stick with Singer or any other particular brand? I don't plan on using it a whole lot but want it to work. Quote
  4. Anyone?
  5. I've watched some videos and done some reading on making a double welt (to cover upholstery staples). I think I can do this with the correct feet for my 111W155 machine but I can't seem to find any definitions on double welt dimensioning. For example, if I get 8/32 foam double welt does this mean the diameter of each cord is 8/32 or is it the overall width of the two cords side by side? For the double welt sewing feet, same thing, is the dimension listed the overall width of the double welt it will sew?
  6. I thought I would share the set up I just completed on my 111. It's an 8" large pulley and 2" small for a 4 to 1 reduction. I tried it first with the original clutch motor but it was still hard to go as slow as I wanted. I installed the servo motor and an quite happy with the set up.
  7. Thanks!
  8. I'm looking for a replacement v-belt for my 111W155 and am not sure what type of belt it is (3L, 4L ?). It measures 0.4" wide and 0.25" thick, numbers which do not exactly match up with 3L or 4L (3L is closer). The only markings I see on it are the brand (Mitsubishi), M-42 and 150P Japan. I'm guessing this may be a metric belt (No. 13 is 10mm x 8 mm), which is closer. Anyone have any recommendation on a belt that will work but is readily available?
  9. Thanks all. I am planning to try a speed reducer before switching to servo motor just to experience the difference. I'm sure I'll still end up getting a servo motor too.
  10. Thanks! I just wanted to be sure...
  11. I'm thinking of replacing the clutch motor on my 111W155 with a servo motor to help lower the speed. I see many of the SM kits include a speed knob and on-off switch and it isn't clear to me if you can still modulate speed with the foot pedal or must you rotate the knob? I can't imagine that you would have to keep one hand free to do this but.... Or does the knob just set maximum speed?
  12. Thanks Max and Tejas. I will keep an eye out for those other suggested machines. As for the pleats, I suspect the photos I posted may have foam helping to puff out the pleats. The original upholstery was burlap wrap on the springs, then horse hair and then cotton. The leather cover does not have any padding material stitched into it. I do have the remnants of the original, mouse eaten stuff from my car. I'm not sure if horse hair is still available but I am planning to keep things as original as possible.
  13. I'm new here and have done a lot of reading through this forum. A lot of good information is available for sure. I haven't any experience sewing leather but am wanting to learn and have a good 1st project: reupholstering the seats on an antique automobile. The photos are what I'll be trying to replicate. I don't know the weight of the leather yet but I know it will be nowhere near 1/4". I'm also planning to use the machine for doing the canvas top. Since budget is important, I'm looking at good used machines and the 111W155 seems to be well thought of, fairly common and good parts availability. My question is will the lack of reverse be a significant disadvantage to a hobbyist user? I'm not worried about production speed so hand sewing to lock the seam ends doesn't seem like a huge deal. Are there any other machines in this $500 price range that I also might consider?
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