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  1. Thanks everyone! Now to get what is needed, then to start. Will post pictures as I go and when I figure out how.
  2. Hey everyone need to know about red and black leather. I think I understand that black is dye, but what about red? Is it a dye or is it a paint? I have entered a contest with a red and black theme and want to do the leather that way. Any advise would be welcome. Thanks, James
  3. Thanks everyone, I will post results soon. Had surgury friday for a hernia ( second one in three months) so it will be a little bit till I get back in the shop. Once agiain thanks
  4. And your secret Identity of Brutes?????
  5. Awsome question!!! To be honest I build and sharpen knives. The last step is using a stone. I use a Norton / India stone. Yes I also use it to put an edge and sharpen my leather cutting tools. I have one of each of the following. 400, 800, 1200 and 1600 or 2000 grit stones. I picked mine up a different garage sales. I couldn't tell you where to get them though. And the higher the number the finer the grit. They have worked for me very well
  6. One sweet piece of equipment. That thing will last for years and years to come.
  7. Well hello Okie!! I moved about 5 years ago from OKC after being there 22years. Up here to Joplin. If you are close to the stockyards in OKC, you might go to bently gaffereds. They do leather work and some repair. JR is real helpful. I got to watch them in the back. Don't know if they are still there but it might be worth trying. Good luck.
  8. Well come to the forum. I have a few links I will get posted on how to make you own tools. Hope that would help. Just look around and you will find great ideas here for tools you can make and it is the BEST PLACE to get help or answers. You will be shock.
  9. Soy oil if hydraginated. Beeswax isn't. Past that I could not tell you. But I guess I could find out. I have heard that bees wax has a higher melting point but a lower flash point. More research.
  10. I suspect that any vegetable oil could go rancid over time, and stink. Might happen with soy. Just a thought. [Well that is one of the question also. If neetsfoot and mink oil are made from animal fat why don't they go rancid? This is natural not an animal by product.
  11. Thanks everyone! I guess I will try it. It couldn't hurt. If it does work maybe coming up with some natural dyes to use with it.
  12. Sorry if someone has said this but I us a piece of metal that looks like a piece of steel banding strap that has been shaped and can be reshapened. It is flexible and you pull it but once you learn to use it it works great. Will try to post a picture of it this weekend. Oh and it works great making curves!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Hello everyone, It's been awhile since I was here. Work and a hernia surgury have not helped. And I get to go back for a second one next friday. Ok back to confused and wondering. Has anyone used soy oil on leather to treat it. Now the reason I was asking was that I went to a craft show with my wife and she wants to start making soy candles. We taked to a lady and found out that when it is burning and liquid you can put a little on your hand (with out burning yourself ) and use it for a moisturizer on your skin. Since it is natural and not a chemical like some of the mink oils and it is not bees wax why could you not use it. It is cheaper than mink oil, neetfoot oil (I was told it is the same thing ), and it is cheaper than bees wax why can't it be used. It will not dry the leather out and it will make it water proof. So has anyone tried it or is using it? Looking forward to hearing from everyone. Please let me know even it is to say no.
  14. It is awsome!!!!!! Could use one but haven't had time to build one. Looks first class!
  15. Hello everyone! Well I am just getting started with leather. Have a freind that makes knives and I have made a couple of sheathes for them. I have always wanted to work with leather and do different things from breading to saddles and most things in between. I have been looking at teatherworker.net for a couple of weeks and have posted a couple of questions and it has been enjoyable so far. All of you are very helpful and answer questions that I have had. Thanks, James
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