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Everything posted by JonM

  1. Envirotex is listed by the maker as indirectly food grade - counters and such, not vessels. It's probably safe and I'd probably use it for my own stuff but I wouldn't put it in anything I sell. Jon
  2. Just spoke with a fellow at Master bond and the epoxies mentioned here are not rated for direct food contact, only indirect. Jon
  3. http://www.amazon.com/Stepping-through-time-Archaeological-prehistoric/dp/9080104469 and http://www.amazon.com/Craft-Industry-Everyday-Life-Anglo-Scandinavian/dp/1902771362/ref=pd_sim_b_2 are the other two (along with the Museum of London book "Shoes and Pattens") that are the must haves for medieval shoemaking. I noticed that "Stepping Through Time" has gone up a lot. Hopefully, you can find it for less. Jon
  4. Thanks. I've seen that one and appreciate the link. I've done bottles and flasks like that before but was hoping someone here might have worked on the more bag like containers usually called skins. Thanks for the effort. Jon
  5. New member here. Anyone have any experience they would like to share on water or wine skins? Bags for holding liquid. I'm not looking for stuff on harder pieces like flasks, jacks or costrells. My google-fu is weak today. Thanks in advance. Jon
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