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  1. Hello all, I've run into a bit of confusion lately. The more I try to research the more confused I get. I recently made a belt and dyed it with ecoflo, buffed, applied neatsfoot, buffed againm and again. Then applied satin sheen as a finish. While it looks okay I plan to experiment in the future with maybe mop & Glo. However how would I condition(think long term periodical maintenance/upkeep) this if it's already sealed with something like that satin sheen or mop & Glo? Would the conditioner be able to penetrate the Finish? Or could I use somthing like Montana pitch, or aussie instead of using satin Sheen or mop & Glo? Thanks!
  2. Hello all, I just started my endeavor to learn leather crafting. I've spent countless hours perusing this forum. What a wealth of knowledge. My first project, a belt, is coming along nicely. I thought I'd share this so yall can have a laugh at my expense. I started on a budget and bought entry level tools from tandy. I know the old adage, " buy once, cry once" but I was eager to get started. On to beveling. I tried for about an hour and could not get the darn thing to bevel. I tried all sorts of angles, both directions. Then I broke out the strop, and spent a good few minuets stropping the edger. No dice. I then proceeded to curse the tool.... But wait! What's this red flim over the head of the tool? I removed it and re-stroped the tool, for real this time... Lo and behold, it works! Moral of the story? User error, in my case, is more common than I care to admit. Regards
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