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  • Gender
  • Location
    Warner Robins, Ga

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Book Covers, Cell phone Caddies, fobs etc.
  • Interested in learning about
    All things leather
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    searched for leather websites

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  1. I use a thin piece of cardboard (about the thickness that comes in dress shirt packages) to cover the parts of craftaids I don't want in my project. However; I like the painter's tape idea better. I think it would be more flexible and easier to use.
  2. A bib is an interesting idea. What type of leather would you use for one? I also like the "Man Bag" ("Dad Bag"??). I will look of pattern and see what I can come up with. Thanks for the ideas!
  3. When you stitched the pieces together for this project, did you use a machine or did you hand stitch it? The stitching is beautiful. I do not have a machine and have a hard time getting my stitches even and professional looking.
  4. Those are great suggestions (teething leather notwithstanding ). I am looking forward to trying them. Thank you!
  5. My daughter and her husband just announced they are infanticipating (Paul Harvey, RIP). This will be the first grandchild for both sets of parents. I am trying to think of some gifts for the baby and parents to make from leather. So far, except for baby moccasins, I am drawing a blank. I have some carving skills and some construction skills, but am not an expert at any of it. I would appreciate any suggestions you all might provide.
  6. I use the boxes that cans of sodas (12 and 24 count) come in for templates and to glue leather projects to in order to keep them from stretching when I am stamping them.
  7. I have used rubber cement to line bible covers. I use a thicker satin style cloth which reduces bleed through.
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