Getting ready to try this for the first time. Is it best to dilute with water first or wet the leather and apply full strength? How many coats is normally needed?
Just received my edge kote and instructions say to burnish before using. Problem is if I burnish with gum trag, won't this prevent the leather from soaking up the edge kote?
It looks like pricking chisel size nomenclature is different from that of a overstitch wheel. Is there a rule of thumb for equivalency? For example, what size chisel would be similar to a number six overstitch wheel?
Thanks guys. What about with a holster, knife sheath, or anything that is going to require wet molding? I'm thinking dye, stitch, wet mold, and then oil and finish. Is that about right?
been watching a lot of YouTube videos on leather craft. Most finished with the dye or oil they are using after stitching. But, what if you want the white stitching to stick out visually? Will the waxed thread not pick up whatever you are finishing the leather with?
Need some advice on thread and needles for heavy leather bolsters and belts. I got some of the Tandy waxed thread and needles and have done some practice with them but they both seem kind of light for the job.
Hi all
Been reading this forum for a while and the info here has helped me to get the tools I need to get started trying to make holsters. No tooling or carving yet.
Im down to figuring out what glue, coloring, and finisher to pick up. Any suggestions for a beginner? So many different options......