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About Adept705

  • Rank
    New Member
  • Birthday 09/20/1987

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    United States
  • Interests
    Leatherwork, 3D printing, woodwork, metalwork, making
  1. I finished some simple card case wallets this past weekend and will post pics when possible.
  2. My thought exactly, there! I figured that simple card cases would be good to practice stitching since they're simple and small. Bracelets sound like a good idea to learn artwork on
  3. Thanks! And yes, it looks like I'm going to get a shoulder this weekend and practice on some simple card case wallets. Those should be relatively easy to practice on and make. If anyone has any other good "learning" projects, I'd love to look!
  4. Hey, thanks! What will the silicone do to the leather?
  5. I'm working on a set of straps for some cosplay armor, and I've cut, punched, and beveled, and now I think I'm ready to dye. I'm using a water-based dye from Tandy, but I've got a few questions: 1) Should I condition the leather before or after applying the dye? 2) What should I use to condition it? Will Golden Mink Oil from Tandy work? It seems like it would inhibit water-based dye from soaking in properly. Everything else seems pretty self-explanatory: let it dry, buff it, give it a bit of sealant, and then make sure to surface oil to keep it from getting stiff.
  6. Starting to learn leatherwork, interested in making anything and everything. Specifically interested in hand-stitching and unique projects along with prop work
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