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Everything posted by TexasBowhunter

  1. Thanks a ton for all of your advice. I will use all of it on this new adventure. I'm actually going by a Tandy store tomorrow to look around and get a feel for everything. Might come back with some tools. Not sure if I should start learning to stamp and carve or tool. Will spend tonight making that decision. I am by no means a master bow hunter, but I have taken some nice animals. It is a true passion of mine. If you ever want to talk hunting send me a pm!
  2. Thanks for the advice. I plan on using it! I'll be in the shadows reading everything y'all post about in the mean time!
  3. Doing research to get started. Going to wear out the search function getting my initial tool list and supply list to acquire. I'm a coach from South Texas and love to hunt. I'll stay in the shadows and study and hopefully don't ask any dumb questions. I look forward to taking my time and learning to do things right.
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