Hello all- you may have seen a recent post I made about a design I came up with for my 1st holster project:
This holster is for my new S&W 629 44 magnum that I'm going to use for shooting at the range, and hiking with in bear/cougar country.
Well, after a bunch of reading (mostly this forum) and sewing up some scraps, I embarked on my 1st gun holster project. I took the IWB design from the post above, and modified it for OWB as a pancake design. Got all of my leatherworking supplies, and went to work. The results are not perfect, but I'm really happy with how this turned out for 1. my own design, and 2. My 1st holster project (making it)
Some photos:
Top, and some of my reloads:
The new 629:
The backside:
Stitching, etc:
Another top view:
So here's what I would change:
1. Not cover up the rear sight (less draw friction)
2. Make the gun opening a bit wider (did not seat a far down into holster as I had planned)
It seem to work great, so I guess I can go hiking in bear country now...