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    Virginia, USA
  • Interests
    Bag making

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    Industrial sewing machines, machine sewn leather
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  1. You ain’t kidding! I tried removing the bobbin once before I got these detailed instructions and I was sweating up a storm worrying they would go bye-bye.
  2. Many thanks for the detailed instructions! I will try to remove the case. Leslie
  3. Thanks for comments. Lifter is there—just doesn’t work to lift bobbin out. I never knew that’s what that spring part was for—my other machine has one. I’ll order one so I don’t have to continue to use the screwdriver method! So you think I should just leave the case in place for now (and put spring under bobbin)? thanks, Leslie
  4. Just bought a Singer 153w101. Got it forming stitches finally (I know, but I really wanted it and it was a good deal) and sewing pretty smoothly. BUUUUUT One problem still remains: bobbin doesn’t come out easily and case doesn’t come out at all. To get the bobbin out, I have to slide a thin screwdriver under it and lift it out. Wondering if the case was replaced with the wrong size. No sign of thread stuck but I know sometimes small pieces can be doozies. I removed screws on bobbin case and rotated it to try and remove it but no luck. QUESTION: should I just let it be if it’s sewing ok?? Any ideas how to remove the case if that’s recommended? thanks! Leslie
  5. Arthur Porter has some great videos. Here’s one that should help (particularly the Part 2 of this one)
  6. My needle/feed dog timing on my Consew 1206 rb is way off somehow. I’m having trouble understanding exactly how fix the issue using the manual. Can some kind soul point me to a helpful video or explain how to do it? Many thanks in advance. Leslie
  7. Still available?
  8. Thanks for the tips. Leather in pic is 3 to 4 oz. Needle is DPX17 160 and thread is bonded nylon 69 1/2 pound. Does that seem right?
  9. Thanks for the tips. Leather in pic is 3 to 4 oz. Needle is DPX17 160 and thread is bonded nylon 69 1/2 pound.
  10. Hello, First time poster here. I've gotten a lot of great info on sewing machines here and am hoping to find some help with figuring out what is wrong with my stitch. I'm sewing with a Consew 1206 and am a newbie. Bob at Toledo sewing kindly set me up with my machine to sew some handbags. I'm attaching a pic of the top and bottom stitches that will hopefully give someone more experienced a clear idea of what is going on. I'm wondering if the needle is too big?? Thanks!
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