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  1. Singer 111W155 Fine Tuning Well I've had some success and spent some time checking and adjusting the settings as suggested by Wizcraft. I adjusted the needlebar position to get the correct needle bar height then readjusted the hook timing as it was a few degrees out. I carefully watched the check spring action and made corrections to keep the needle thread away from the point of the needle. I didnt appreciate just what the Bobbin Case Opener function was but now I think I know but it doesn't seem logical, is it possible to be 180 degrees out???? As the hook picks up the thread the case opener moves towards the needle and away from the bobbin case protrusion. The bobbin case doesnt appear to rotate clockwise due to the thread friction as expected so doesn't appear to need a case opener! The hooked thread now moves around the bobbin case and the case opener is now moving back away from the needle (so closing?) and actually abuts the bobbin projection as the hooked thread reaches it. In the initial trials after making all these adjustments the thread was actually catching up on the bobbin case opener and holding it back for a split second or two and when it did release it made quite a loud clacking sound. Now imagine this when the machine is rotating quite fast and it was making quite a noise. Once I spotted it I re adjusted the case opener to leave a gap for the thread and the noise is nowhere near as loud, but I still am not entirely sure the case opener is doing its job. I've never had the bobbin case assembly apart so dont know if it could be be re-assembled incorrectly. Just run some tests and the stitching is good but when I tried on a project I found that for for 5 or 6 stitches there seemed to be too little tension and although stitches were made, they were not correctly formed. So I have two 5/6 stitch lengths of poor stitches which is really annoying and of course I need consistently good stitches. There does seem to be quite a bit of play where the bobbin case sits in its housing so if its assembled incorrectly, it has resulted in a fair bit of wear. I found some very useful info on the internet from :- https://navyaviation.tpub.com/14217/css/Timing-The-111-W-155-Machine-55.htm, this being the US Navy Aviation/Parachute maintenance manual which includes the 111w155 and possibly other Singer info. Easier to read and understand than the Singer manual. So my query is has anyone any experience of the mechanism relating to the Bobbin Case Opener and whether or not it could feasibly be re assembled incorrectly at some point in the past
  2. Many thanks to Wizcraft for his recommendations. I will endeavour to to check out all those points. I have a manual but I think its a user manual, I'll try and find a Service or Adjusters Manual. Also like to thank Wyowally for his additional comments relating to friction... Best Regards David
  3. Hi - I've been using my Singer 111w155 on and off for some time. Generally I use bonded nylon thread 40S, which I think is V 138. I'm trying to use 20S, size 23 needles,. The machine stitches fine through 1 layer, fine with 2 layers coped with 3 but when I try 4 layers the thread starts to unravel, bunches and thats the end of that. I thought the machine would cope with 4.4mm of leather. With no thread it whops its way through no problem but it seems as if the thread is starting to degrade as soon as it hits that 4th layer. I dont have a lower thread guide that attaches to the needle securing screw as it was hitting the upper side of the walking foot, just but enough to want me to remove it (None fitted when I got the machine, new chinese made item newly fitted) so maybe the angle of the upper thread creates undue friction, but why not with one or two layers. I find this baffling. Can anyone shed some light on why the thickness increase messes up the top thread. Could I have too much tension?, although looking at the formed stitches it needs a bit more top tension, so could the lower tension be too tight????? Any help welcomed. Regards David; Plymouth UK
  4. Many thanks Wizcrafts. These are the two manuals that I have already managed to find, but they are not adjusters manuals. Pfaff produced great manuals for some of their later machines but the 341 was not one of them and there is very little info around and indeed the same for spares. It came to me with one presser foot and there are just none available. It uses an Extra High Shank foot. I think it never sold in great numbers and the spares availability seems to support this. In truth I thought I was buying the Pfaff 355 which is a walking foot as well as needle feed and there are plentiful supplies of spares around for that machine. In order to cure the intermittent seizing up I'm afraid I will need to strip it down a lot more but would really like a bit more information on setting it up before I go too deep into the strip down. I note that there is a rocking shaft attached to each end of the feed dog and when the stitch length adjust lever is moved I can see which shaft moves and which way the shaft turns to increase the stitch length so I can work on that aspect to properly set the stitch length, probably by trial and error. But many thanks for your reply and taking the trouble to seek out those elusive manuals, it is much appreciated....
  5. Hi - Hoping for some advice regarding a Pfaff 341. When I recently bought it, it was supposedly working fine and in fairness it did stitch pretty well using lighter threads. 60s.........I noticed that the bobbin area appeared to be heavily contaminated with what looked very much like small paint chippings. I tried to clean it out with everything in situ but there were some I just could not get out. I washed it in paraffin, or kerosene, also used an air line to blow it out but in the end the only way to ensure it was clean was to remove the mechanism in and around the bobbin. This machine is driven by a right angled bevel gear and the drive to the bobbin/hook assembly looked worn but I just could not find a source of supply for replacement items. Nor could I find an adjusters manual for this machine. All I have found is a parts list and a user instruction manual. I cleaned everything out and inspected each part and re-assembled. Somewhere along the line I appeared to have upset the adjustment of the feed dog. This is a needle feed machine but without the walking foot. The machine does stitch but on max stitch length ( should be 4.5mm) it only produces stitches quite a bit smaller, probably about 3mm. When the material is being fed through, instead of being a continuous feed in one direction the fabric seems to start moving backwards in the first instance before being moved forward. I'm trying to sew using Bonded Nylon 40s thread here....Its just not obvious to me which of the screws in that area would be the one to use to overcome this so I'm appealing for help to the community, hoping someone out there may have some experience of this or a similar machine. I think the Pfaff 141 is similar but a flat bed model and not a cylinder arm. So does anyone have knowledge that might help, anyone have an adjusters manual or perhaps point me in the right direction as to where the adjusting mechanism is, Im assuming it needs a collar to be slackened off and a part rotating shaft to be slightly moved but which one???? On the same machine, as I turn it by hand, to try and watch the movement of the feed dog, the hand wheel will suddenly become quite tight...by backing off the handwheel very slightly it then continues to turn smoothly. I just cant ascertain which area is causing the stiffness and it appears to be random. I dont know if it is once again in the area by the bobbin/hook. If it is in the bevel on the other end that drives the hook bevel, or is is in the top of the head by the needlebar or in the mechanism inside the casing by the handwheel....all leaving me somewhat perplexed!!!!!!
  6. Over the years I've been involved with sewing machines, purely as a hobby of course, I have pretty much stumbled from one project to another and one sewing machine to another. These have included a raft of domestic machines and quite a few industrial machines. I have learned a lot and have been grateful for the help of those members who have advised and guided me with the queries I've put to the forum. Typically I've a few machines that now need fairly in depth attention. For instance I have had a Singer 132K6 totally dismantled for the last few 9or more) years. It was totally seized and crusty looking but I slowly dismantle it and cleaned the component parts. I found nothing that would prevent it being re-assembled and got working again. I have painted the body, cleaned all the components and blacked lots of bits ready for the re-assembly and that's as far as I got, but its time to push forward. I did the same with a Singer 29 and recently rebuilt it and its looking good and working fine but the 132 is a different beast altogether. My query here is this:- Does anyone have a basic guide to re-assembling such machines. What I mean is, is there a book or some other literature that lists the things that should happen and in which order they should in relation to each other. For example. The basic function is that a needle falls and rises and the hook catches the thread and makes a stitch. At the same time, or at least a critical time, the feed dogs do their stuff and move the fabric ready for a new stitch. at the same time the walking foot comes down and is synchronised with the presser foot....the stitch length can be altered so a mechanism interfaces with these action, the pick-up arm keeps the thread tensioned a bit using the pick up spring at just the right time etc etc etc, but it would be great to be able to know which bits of the puzzle to start with. I found with the Singer 29K, that I needed to back track and part dismantle this bit or that bit because something else should have been done first. I dont really want to do that with the 132K6 as its a beast of a machine and takes some manhandling. I'm frankly finding that the total rebuild of this machine is a bit daunting and need all the help possible before getting really involved in the rebuild. Can anyone offer advice or help with identifying said literature than can point me in the right direction.??? Many thanks David; Plymouth UK Machines owned:- Singer 132K6; Singer 111W154; Singer 111G155; Singer 29K; Singer 107W1; Singer 31K49; Singer 31K15; Singer 45K68; Singer 51K54; Brother 755; Singer 331K4, a couple more K31 and a host of domestic machines......
  7. Well thats a very useful video clip as I have a couple of Singer 111 as well but they are sewing fine at the moment. So thank you for that. I will use the same principle and measurements for retiming my Pfaff 341 and of course its really tailor made for the Singers should I ever need to re time those machines. Some years back I bought a Singer 132K6 which was in a totally seized and apparently rusty condition. I decided to dismantle it completely, against the advice of some I may add, but I went ahead anyway. Much of the rust was just surface rust or dirt over old oil and grease and when it was totally dismantled, and cleaned, I found nothing that might prevent it working again. I cleaned the main body and repainted it and.....thats as far as I got....I suddenly became nervous about the reassembly for some reason. I actually bought another one so that I can use it to see where all the components fit. But of course assembly is one thing, assembling and ensuring all the relevant parts interact with each other as they should to create stitches is another step, but I am moving starting to re assemble in the near future. Many thanks for your help and I may send out another plea in the not too distant future when the 132K6 gets under way. David; Plymouth; UK
  8. Yes OK, good point, but nonetheless I need to have a starting point...I'm trying to work out if it makes any difference adjusting the needle bar height to get the hook timing correct, or if I should adjust the hook position to achieve the same thing. What prompted the question was that when I first got the machine a couple of weeks back, I tried using a thicker thread, bonded nylon 20s, and I could not get a good stitch. There were continuous thread loops of a consistent size (about1/4" loop) underneath the material. By tightening tension I reduced the loop size to about 1/8" and could not tighten the thread tension anymore. I figured that the take up arm tugged the bottom thread up but it was either doing it at the wrong time or not doing it enough. Discounted the latter and wondered if by not altering the hook on shaft location to time the hook may have affected the timing of the take up arm in relation to the needle. However I then used 40s thread and it sewed fine!!! I am disappointed that it doesnt stitch using the heavier thread and in the back of my mind am still wondering if I should go back to basics and set the needle bar in the correct position and re-time the hook ???? Any comments of above theory would be much appreciated. Regards David; Plymouth; UK
  9. That looks an interesting problem. There appears to be a slot in the brass sleeve surrounding the broken bolt. It would be worth trying to unscrew that and see if it brings out the broken item. You could make a wide screwdriver and file out the centre to bridge the broken bolt. Alternatively drill a hole down the centre, or as close to the centre as you can get, and use an "Easyout" to remove it. These are available in sets and consist of a tapered, very course left handed raised spiral. Tap the tool into the hole and unscrew in the usual direction. The raised flutes tend to dig into the sides of the drilled hole gripping the bolt and unscrewing it. Sometimes applying heat would also help the process..... Hope this helps. Regards David; Plymouth; UK
  10. Many thanks KGG. I have already previously downloaded that manual which is the operators manual and unfortunately it doesn't give any critical measurement relating to the height of the needlebar over the bed, but thanks all the same for responding to my plea for help. Best Regards David; Plymouth;UK
  11. Hi - I recently bought the Pfaff 341 and have since learned that this is quite a rare machine as its a needle feed but without the usual walking foot action. Being "rare" means there are very few spares for it and limited literature. I found that the stitch was slightly off inasmuch that the hook often pierced the thread rather than picking it up to create the stitch. I solved that by dropping the needle bar about 2 mm until it picked up the thread. This pretty much works but there are still the very occasional missed stitch. I am trying to find literature that tells me what the designed height of the needle bar is above the table, so that I can time the hook as it should be. Does anyone one have an adjusters or a repair manual that lists the correct technical specs for these machines. I've been searching for a new feed dog for it but this seems to be one of those rare parts that cant be found, especially here in the UK. So I would very much appreciate any literature to help me adjust it properly and any source for supply of a new or good used feed dog. Many thank for your help. David; Plymouth; UK
  12. Thanks Constabulary - I have searched their website and made enquiries by e-mail but no response yet but that was only for the 341 parts. I will also lookout for 141 feet. Much appreciated David
  13. I recently acquired a Pfaff 341 which appears to be in great condition. I'm seeking some spares for it but can find little about this machine on the internet. There appears to be only the one presser foot that is fitted on the machine and no alternative patterns of presser foot available. It seems to be about 1/4" longer than a standard Industrial machine shank. It would benefit from having a replacement feed dog. I also have just the one bobbin so some more would be useful. Can anyone advise of a potential source for replacement parts for this machine (ideally in the UK) and possibly explain why there is so little info available on the net?? Thanks in advance David; Plymouth; UK
  14. Hi Shoepatcher - Thats great, it was such a well defined flat that I thought its feasible that it should be there but now you have confirmed that it should be truly circular I will get a new one and fit that. Hopefully it will restore the stitch length as well. Many thanks for the advice on how to remove and fix as well. Regards David; Plymouth; UK
  15. Thanks Wizcraft for the parts list, great pictures. Interesting that the main bits to cause the thread pitch to vary include the cam rollers. especially No. 1801. When I put this one back into the cam on back of pulley wheel, I noticed it had a pronounced flat at one point on the roller and I dont know if that is a designed feature or in fact a "worn" flat. It could feasibly be a worn spot if the roller had seized on its shat up at one time. Can you advise if it should be there????? As the parts list picture shows just a plain shaft, I assume the shaft is a push fit into the rocking beam end??? Many thanks David
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