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    Frederick, CO

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  1. When you say too much machine for my projects, do you mean I won't be able to easily see what I'm looking to sew because I will have to adjust or do you mean that if allim using it for is liners that I'll be wasting money on a machine that can do so much more?
  2. I'm looking for "reasonably" priced, not that I know what reasonably priced means, but don't have a specific number to give you. Maybe this will work... best machine under $500 best machine $500-$750 best machine $750-$1000 best machine $1000-$1500 best machine $1500-$2000 best machine $2000-$2500 best machine over $2500 Could be new or used I'm not sure if there are too many options for prices above, but I've seen options at each of these price ranges and I'm really looking for some help to figure out what machine is best for what I'm looking for it to do...even if that means it does everything that I want it to do and it costs $2500 or that there is a better option for what I need it to do for $750.
  3. Ok folks, couple of questions. I have been researching and reading about a ton of machines (new and used) but am having a hard time deciding what to do I'm looking for a sewing machine to sew wallet liners together. I'm using some 3oz cow as the liner and then some really thin pig for the cc pockets. Total thickness is approximately 4oz. I really dont don't want to hand sew each pocket (8/liner) and then the pockets to the liner itself, but I'm ok with hand sewing that to the wallet itself. If I can find one that will do both and it is reasonably priced, then I'll jump on it, but I am more concerned with getting a machine that can do the inner. Hope that makes sense to everyone and thank you in advance. Geoff in Colorado
  4. Thanks to everyone. Trying to figure out how to post pics and I keep getting an error message saying too large to post. Any help is appreciated.
  5. Just wanted to introduce myself. I just got into leatherworking a little over a month ago when I quit drinking. With the exception of covering a motorcycle seat (wrong leather, wrong application, etc.) with some leather a couple years ago I have never done anything within the industry However, I needed something to do to help pass the time and keep my brain off of the booze. So, I decided to go to Tandy and get some basic tools and a couple of their kits to start learning. That lasted just a week and then I realized that it is much less expensive to make my own projects vs using their kits so I started doing that and started creating my own templates, etc i have thouroughly enjoyed the learning process so far and want to continue to learn moving forward.
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