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  • Location
    St. Simons Island, GA
  • Interests
    leatherworking, sewing, stamping

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Traveler's Notebooks
  • Interested in learning about
    dyeing, finishing, rubber stamping on leather
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    Google, of course!

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  1. I've recently started doing some leather inlay / overlay work and find that I need several colors for the designs I have in mind. For my first attempt, I dyed some thin veg tan leather in the colors I needed and then skived the pieces. However, as you can imagine, the veg tan behind chrome tan body was not ideal. I'd love to be able to get some kangaroo leather in several colors, but the cost for even small skins is too much right now. Has anyone got a source for kangaroo or calf scraps that will send me colors - not brown and black - those I have. Chris
  2. I really like the way you've incorporated a pen holder into the notebook. I have been searching for a good way to add a pen holder (after all, what good is a notebook without something to write with) and I'm going to start with this idea and get customer reactions at a show this weekend (Mother's Day, 2017).
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