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About BSAstampsearcher

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    BSA Scout Stamps

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    Figure Stamps Boy Scouts
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  1. Do you have a list of what you are looking for, I have an awful lot of 3d / Midas stamps? None of them have been cataloged so I'll have to dig, there's that many. Let me know if you are interested and thanks. My navigation here is terrible but it's been a while since I've visited the site so I appreciate everyone's patience.
  2. That's the stamp I'm looking for, the number for that particular stamp is 8417. I had a chance at one on eBay a year or two ago but was at work couldn't keep an eye on the auction and ended up being out bid. So my quest continues. I appreciate everyone's help this far. Please feel free to put the word out if you have the opportunity to do so. Have a good day all! Bob
  3. My collection consists of mostly vintage craftool stamps. I may very well have something that would interest someone in a trade for the 8417 Bobwhite. Frankly I don't even know how many stamps I have, there's that many. Always willing to trade for a stamp that I need. Here's hoping I find one sometime in the near future and I appreciate anyone's help in finding one.
  4. No pics available at the moment. Stamp is the 3D Bobwhite stamp #8417. Appreciate the speedy reply. If you know of anyone that may have one please stear me in the right direction. I'm also getting ready to downsize a significant portion of my stamp collection (mostly figural, 3d and long handled) at some point soon. Just a heads up.
  5. If you have an extra #8417 Bobwhite Quail Wood Badge stamp maybe we can work a trade. I have a spare Fox, Bear and possibly a couple of others that I can barter with if interested.
  6. I need help finding the Bobwhite Quail Wood Badge leather stamp. Any help locating one for sale or trade would be deeply appreciated. Willing to purchase outright or I have a significant number of 3D stamps and would consider a trade including some hard to find stamps from both the Boy & Girl Scouts as well as numerous other 3D stamps. Hope someone can help. Thanks in advance!
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