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Everything posted by WastelandOuterwear

  1. Top one is a "1911" Buscadero as per Customer order, has 2 Mag pouches and 18 bullet loops his rifle. Bottom one is Just a Simple rig for a .357 mag revolver as per Customer Order. How did some of you guys get exposure as a leather worker, is it just simply working on the few orders a year, or do you guys do production runs, but then where do you guys sell production. http://wastelandouterwear.com/ https://www.instagram.com/holden_bystry/?hl=en
  2. Here it is, ive only been doing this stuff for a few years, and ive only recently have found a mentor. So im still very much a novice =), and the more im learning the more i realize i dont actually know anything haha.
  3. This is a Braec Moedoic Budget Bag, It would have been used by Irish monks around the 9th-10th century. This is a reproduction piece as well as an apprentice piece. Its certainly not perfect, Ive never made a bag, nor have I ever done any tooling before so this entire project with all the research and detective work involved as well as the techniques was quite an educational experience. The stitching was quite special too since its Historical counterpart was sewn from the inside rather than it being turned inside out then sewn. Below is the other thread referencing with some other rather helpful leatherworkers helping me figure out a certain stitch i never actually utilized since i was more concerned with historical accuracy, but an interesting read on a rarer form of stitching. Its not perfect but im proud of it, it has taken me 3 months to do, mainly having to do with butting heads with my teacher on techniques and difficulties on finding concrete information on such a bag.
  4. Okay wow thank you ive been trying to explain it for months now and i can never say it right. Im currently compiling my reasearch, techniques, and measurements used to make this budget, and i would really like to utilize the photos you have taken this is just absolutly perfect.
  5. Yea i really appreciate it guys, i have since sewed the bag the acual historical way, however i still think this "hidden stitch" could be useful for future things.
  6. This is the braec moedoic "reproduction" that i am working on. Its a very close copy to the one below. This is what i needed from the post haha. Thank you very much, but the next problem us what is preventing the seam from popping out and exposing the thread? Below are the tools i was using, i found it easier to make needles out of wire vs steel ones. And i dont have a round curved awl so i had to make one out of copper. But the next issue is that. Would a stitch such as this be used in dark ages ireland, becauae i have found no evidence to support it, and would it even be a vaible option?
  7. Oh okay ill email him then. Im crazy unfocused today haha
  8. Mitering might be a vaible idea but the two peices must not at all show thread. But are you also suggesting at the same time a tunnel stitch going inbetween the two mitered leather edges. Ooh great idea.
  9. That would be great, uh cause i wpuld like to figure it out for future projects
  10. Well that is what i was thinking, i have a few diffrent ways of doing said technique, and ill post them showing the varying degrees of success/failure. But other than experiance and having past apprentices i really couldnt tell ya haha.
  11. Idk the idea is that, ide be able to do something noone else can do therefore im special or somethng. Problem is though, he doesnt know how to do it, its just simply doesnt work and its just a bas stitch in strength and practicality, and his research isnt nearly as extensive since i have personally called the irish dublin museum and they told me how it was stitch, but he blew off saying "they arnt leather workers so how could they know what they are talking about".... Hes not a bad leatherworker by any means but im currently at a standstill in my apprenticeship because of this stitch.
  12. Well i suggested doing it that way, but i absolutely must do it that way shown. He refuses i do it any other way, And he doesnt seem to know how to do it which is frustrating. But im frustrated cause the stitch doesnt go with this bag since the pattern has been changed 4 times. And i work really hard researching and what not on the tooling and size and i dont want ugly stitches that dont work, itd feel like a waste of 3 months of research. But i cannot figure out a way to draw it togeather using this method. It just doesnt seem too work.
  13. So my mentor has been insistant that i must sew this bag through the edges of the leather like wo, similar to a butt stitch but the idea is for it to be invisible on both sides... I really dont even think that is possible since we live on the land of physics. What do you guys think Below is what the technique is based off of. I personally think those tabs are folded inward then sewn instead of thinking that those arnt even tabs and are acually the middle thickness of the leather.
  14. Its pretty smooth, haven't been able to actually fire it yet =( its my makers mark, I CNCed one of out brass. 9 oz leather, uhm probobly gonna think im an idiot, but as a finish I use tan kote then an acrylic finish. But im starting to experiment with carnauba creme and a better oil dye. Doh! I knew something was off "amateur hour over here" .
  15. . . Got A Heritage Rough Rider .357 large bore for Christmas, so I decided to make her a pair of pants, Im still pretty new to gun holster making especially for more western stuff.
  16. Design flaws are to be expected, in which is why i asked on here haha. But in reference to the mares leg. I don't believe personally theirs a "good" or "practical" design for a leg holster for a weapon that goes past the knee (which disables you to crouch effectively) , So if i where to make something more practical it would be a well... pretty much a large sheath that would attach to a back pack of sorts or like the name of the weapons implies, On a saddle. But regarding the cord on the revolver holster i agree it is a bad cord, its been replaced with a nice thick lace. which look much better.
  17. Okay ill keep that in mind, thank you =) do you know what the uh cordage thing is called cannot for the life of me find out what that attachment method is.
  18. I've never made any kind of western holsters or any holsters for that matter for any gun, but i was wondering if anyone here has any pointers or tell me me which areas i need to improve on for future pieces. 1st gun is not real its a replica black powder revolver, since I dont actually own a revolver. 2nd gun is a henry mares leg 22. I realize the holster for it is rather clumsy and rather unrealistic but im a big ol fan of the original mad max films and i think its cool so bite me =).
  19. yea, I mean the stitching will be fine i guarantee that, but ya know it COULD be better... its still a thing that kinda bugs me and now that im looking at it im kinda annoyed i forgot to slick the holes where the braided cord is.
  20. Ive recently been hired on full time as a leather worker... which wasn't expected since it was only a hobby but now I actually have to get better at it =). https://wastelandouterwear.com/ "Will be aired on season 4 episode 15 of forged in fire.... dunno why im mentioning this on a leatherworking forum but hey this is my introduction"
  21. It uh, 3 layers... not really sure what welted means to be honest. I make sure i burnish and slick all my edges and everything it a pretty big pet peeve of mine to have a nice piece and then not take the time to do your damn edges... bugs me haha. yea, normally I use an awl and do an angled stitch but i used a pricking fork which probably is a no no. and the mounting.. well the client wanted it so he could switch out and have a left AND right sheath, rather odd in my opinion but i rather like the idea. its held on just by friction and it holds pretty damn well which i didn't expect to be quite honest.
  22. Im actually a Bladesmith, but i work with another bladesmith and its come down to me making all the sheaths haha... so now im trying my best to match the quality of the blades with my sheaths, but just made this today and im rather proud of it. But please chim in and critique this because i dont know any professional leather workers in person so i cant get a good insight.
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