Hello everyone,
First post on the forum for me, been lurking for a while now and decided to register.
I'm mainly a watchmaker that enjoys making vintage timepieces with matching straps. Lately I've put my strapmaking on hold due to limited time and too much work.
But I do miss it very much and demand is high.
If you don't mind me asking, how do I start with making the leather looking like it has been through some serious wear? I've added some pics so you can see what I'm trying to achieve.
I used to make my straps from belt leather, skivving away to be able to fold & glue it but it was hard work (4mm thickness was normal) and not very sophisticated.
My stitching leaves a lot to be desired too but I managed somehow.
Looking to buy some 1mm thick veg tan leather, and going at it with scotchbrite, sandpaper, then oiling it etc...
Or if you see a better approach?
Thank you for replying!