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    Shreveport Area, Louisiana

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  1. I am working on a piece that I carved and wanted to antique. I used tan kote, brushed on to cover spots I wanted to protect from the antique gel. The tan kote has left some spots where it was a bit thick. It came off of my sample piece just fine with a sponge and some water. It WILL NOT come off my good piece. Help. I do not have a spare piece, so it would have to buy a whole new piece big enough for a cantle back to replace this. Leather is W&C medium brown bridle leather. All products are feibings. I tried water, saddle soap, and some ethanol. Afraid to try a lot more.
  2. Sorry for the multiple posts. I was on my phone, and it was double posting while giving me error messages that it wouldn't post. I tried to go back and delete the duplicates, but it wouldn't let me. No more phone posting. By smaller needles I meant something smaller than a 27 (what's in there now). I read in the manual that 27 was the largest size, but I don't need the thread that heavy. Biothane is #99 thread, so smaller needles. Has anyone used one of these for biothane/beta? Where and how do I oil it? Any online info on basic use that has some pics that are easier to see than those in the manual? I've spent a few hours searching but I haven't found a whole lot worthwhile. I don't want to tear it up.
  3. I'm not new to sewing machines in general (have done a good amount of quitllting and dress making for fun), but this beast is a bit of a different monster. It was rebuilt, the serial number indicates it was made in 1904, and it's not pretty. Supposedly it was found quite rusted in a barn but was repaired and used for chaps and belts. I found the manual, but honestly I'm a bit overwhelmed. I can thread it, I think I've figure out how to remove the bobbin, and I know I need to get some smallest needles for my projects. I know that these old machines need to be oiled regularly, but I forgot to ask how to do that. I can't tell from the manual how to oil it. I also need to clean it as it's a bit dirty in some of its moving parts, but I'm not sure how to do that. The timing may need to be adjusted as it skips a stitch occasionally, but unless that's easy to do I will find somewhere to take it. Any tips for using it? I'm hoping to do a little work with biothane/beta (personal items, not large quantities), a little tack and blanket repair, and maybe some belts. Who knows what else.
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