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Everything posted by j20

  1. Well slight change of plans, now I'm going with a zach white 13-15 skirting side. Plan on laying out my skirts, rear jockeys, leathers, and fenders similar to the layout in stohlmans book and tracing and cutting. Is there any problems with doing it this way? Also is the leather I selected the best choice for stirrup leathers and fenders or are there better options for that leather?
  2. I'm not necessarily looking for a "good buy" and I'm fine with buying a whole side I'm just completely new to this and didn't know how leather in that quantity was purchased. I'm going for quality that will hold up I dont mind spending a little to get it. Just from the sources mentioned above I'm already leaning towards the wicket and craig selection.
  3. How is skirting leather purchased? Do you have to buy a whole side when going through the sources you named? Could the fenders and jockeys be made out of the same leather? I dont see why not just want to get it right.
  4. New here, been repairing saddles and doing small stuff for a while but never any major stuff, just traded a perfectly fine 10 year old team roping saddle for an old ranch roper that someone did a poor job of restoring. Reason I did was because I liked the tree and really just wanted to strip one down and re do it to broaden my knowledge. Someone re skirted it with some really light flimsy leather and replaced the rear jockey with the same. Thats gotta go. My question is what weight leather should I use for the skirts and jockey and where does one buy it? The seat is good thick fairly nice looking leather so I'm leaving it for now. This will be my day working saddle so looks arent extremly important just want it neat, tough, and usable. Mainly just skirts rear jockey leathers and fenders and shearling is what I plan to replace. Any advice on where to get those items would be greatly appreciated also curious on what nails to use. Thanks in advance.
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