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Status Replies posted by bentley

  1. want to confirm that the Southwest Leather Workers trade show in Prescott AZ is still happening Feb 27, 28 & March 1st.

  2. When I print out a page from this forum it is right aligned, how do I change it to normal printing (left aligned)

    1. bentley


      Print to a .pdf file first then print the .pdf on your printer

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  3. I find it strange that there isn't a standard "Made in the USA" leather stamp out there already

  4. Cant beat having the day off, working in the shop, and listening to it rain (for the fist time in half a year)

  5. well I am new to all of this, I am doing the basic stuff, tooling belts, key chains, making simple motorcycle bags etc. Now I am setting up a VENDERS BOTH on the 20th of THIS MONTH!!! and have NOTHING MADE! Well I have a couple of days... this should be fun... I also have never set up a both before... any advise? :-)

    1. bentley


      Never done a booth but they say take lots of small items that sell for a couple bucks and bring 10 times the cost of the booth ($100 booth = $1000 worth of merchandise). Planning on trying a booth this winter in Arizona.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  6. Congrats to the SEALs for a well handled "leathering".

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