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  1. You can get the pfaff manual free...go to pfaff usa and search out the downloads...don't waste your money. artie in miami
  2. I have my grandmother's old singer machine (model 201-2 serial # AF632681 made in the 1940's)... and had it serviced about ten years ago then put it into storage. I took it out last week, set it all up and it will not sew ?? The timing seems perfect and I know I am using the correct needle (checked with singer) what the heck can be wrong ?? When I thread the machine, the hook grabs the bobbin thread and sends it up through the hole in the plate...when I start to sew...all I get are holes in the material. Also, I noticed that the thread breaks at the needle every time. What else can I check ?? I changed the thread tension...same thing. Is there some special bobbin that I need...the bobbin feeds the thread easily and it is really frustrating. Thanks in advance for any help. artie in miami
  3. I had a "repairman" in to work on my pfaff 1245, and he either died or skipped town...with him went the small gear that is attached to the spindle (under the bobbin)...the threads for the keeper screw were stripped and he was going to re-thread it. I cannot find the gear for sale and the parts list does not show a part number for it...if anyone has a spare gear, I need the one with the hole large enough for the spindle to fit in (spindle is 11mm outside diameter). If anyone has this gear in their spare parts box...I would be very happy to buy it or trade something for it. Without the gear, the machine will not run ! Thanks in advance for any assistance. If anyone has an old pfaff model 1245 that is shot and would be good for parts only...I would buy that also. artie in miami email asmith1@dadeschools.net
  4. Too bad you are not in the Miami area...I went to the Ft Lauderdale flea market (swap shop) and a guy there had 6 industrial machines (w/ tables, motors etc) for sale and no takers...he was begging me to buy one...cheap !! One of them was a curved needle machine and I have no idea what it is for...the rest were all old singers with very large heads on them. Since I have too many machines now and no room...I had to pass. Anyone looking for an industrial machine in Florida...it would be worth your while to hit the flea market on the weekend...just one bit of advice....bring a truck !! You will not believe the stuff that you will find at that place...more than half of the 1,000 vendors are garage sale folks with used stuff to sell.artie in miami ps I saw five of the singer 99 or 15 (all the same) all in the 30-40 dollar price range...one of them was all decals and very little black area left on it...I know they are usually pretty ornate...but this one was really tricked out to the max !
  5. I am artie in miami and am new to the forum...I just wanted to introduce myself and let everyone know that you never, ever need to spend a dime on any pfaff manuals ! Just do a google search for "free pfaff downloads" or go onto the pfaff website...they have free downloads of: parts manual, users manual and repair manual and even adjustments manual for some of the models. I have 4 pfaff model 545 and one pfaff model 1245 as well as two singers and a brother (all industrial) and never spent a dime buying any of them. I got the first bunch after hurrican andrew here in miami...while prowling through junk piles in front of the warehouse area of miami I found a pile of rusting machines complete with tables and motors etc. Then I ran into a guy that bought a truckload of stuff from a school board auction and had no place to store the pfaffs...he gave them to me ! I also have a double needle rimoldi that I have never even looked up...cannot find the manual for that one. I am missing a few of the parts for the pfaff 1245...under the bobbin area...does anyone have a 1245 that they are using for parts ? I hate to pay the amounts they ask for pfaff parts. I think I have more sewing machines than anyone in miami (that is not connected with some type of sewing business)...I am a school teacher and maybe when I retire I will do some sewing for the marine industry...I hear it is good money. artie in miami
  6. I am not sure if you know this...but it is a pfaff 1245...I know because I have the same machine...if you have any parts that you will not use and wish to sell...let me know. You can get the users guide, repair guide and adjustment book by doing a google search for "free pfaff downloads" and putting in the model # 1245...you can get everything you need free !artie in miami...newbie...this is my first post ps...try ebay for the foot lift lever assembly...when you download the parts book for the 1245, you can see what you need
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