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About WilburnForgeLeather

  • Rank
    New Member

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Profile Information

  • Location
    Redding Ca
  • Interests
    The great outdoors

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Custom Sheaths, Belts & every day carry items
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About Me

A few years ago I joined my Dad Aaron Wilburn (ABS Master Bladesmith) as his apprentice.  My love for designing and creating was exploding with every knife I created.  Realizing my knives would need a proper "dress-up" I started in on designing and crafting my own sheaths...  The love affair was immediate.  The more I worked with leather, the more I wanted to, and after making such beautiful works of art, collectors started asking me for matching belts and accessories to their sheaths.  That was the real beginning of this journey.  A major turning point for my husband and I was finding out that I was pregnant for our awesome little girl Olivia.  Knife making put me in the path of a lot of physical dangers and toxic chemicals that weren't cohesive with pregnancy so I took a hiatus.  That hiatus turned into  the backing force of a full blown leather career.  Collectors of mine wouldn't take no for an answer, they were delighted to get leather goods instead of knives.  And so supportive and patient!!

A couple of years later, here we are. Husband in full support, baby in-tow, and proud to say I am a leather worker.  Always seeking to be better and learn from other amazing craftsmen.  



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