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  • Location
    Raeford, NC
  • Interests
    Auto upholstery, metal machining, welding, sheet metal fab

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Classic auto upholstery
  • Interested in learning about
    Restoring leather auto upholstery
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  1. Per Kryptonite's mention of the "add on" transmission to slow the speed of our walking foot machines. My add on transmission and extra belt, seems to have changed the mechanical advantage of the motor so much, that, when I try to rotate the handwheel, to line up the needle during a partial stitch, the original Juki LU-563"s handwheel is pretty much impossible to turn, . My "work around," when I need to hand turn and move the needle position a little, is to pick up the sewing machine "head" an inch or two, and then stick a large, plastic, screw driver handle between the head and the table. Jacking up the head releases the belt tension a little, which allows me to hand turn the machine like I could before I added the accessory transmission (please understand, I dearly love this transmission and smaller clutch motor pulley) for slowing the feed about six to one slower. Although it might be a little too slow if and when I get better at sewing. Maybe changing to a "servo motor" instead of fooling with an "add on transmission" and "clutch motor" would have been a better choice? I do remember reading somewhere, a recommendation about not using an automobile fan belt, because the sewing machine operator needs the drive belt to slip a little, so maybe my belt is just gripping the pulleys too well. I am new at this, and have never seen a sewing machine belt, so how are they different? Round instead of Vee?. Any body got a better idea, like maybe adapting a six pound, big hugger large diameter handwheel off a Sailrite sewing machine?
  2. Turnaround


    I just spent the last month building one good JUKI LU-563 out of two "parts" LU-563's and one stripped down "LU-562- no reverse option." Your forum pages, the UVE Youtube videos, and David Upholstery in Aberdeen, NC, have all contributed to my understanding how to do my project. I just made the first sewing machine stitch I ever made in my entire life. Actually ten stitches in a row. Of course, I made every mistake there is to make, but I did see previous comments from you guys, about what to look for and explaining about every mistake I made. Now for setting the bobbin tension for 138 thread, and then setting the top tension disks to center the stich between the layers of leather. Thanks to all your help, even though you probably didn't know you were helping.
  3. Has anyone ever successfully converted a subclass 3 machine into a full LU-562 with reverse lever and mechanism to sew in reverse? I have a subclass 3 (meaning reverse delete) and would love to have the reversing capability added if there is a kit and machining blueprint.
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