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Everything posted by scubadiverberry

  1. I just bought a belt for my 189a. Do I have to take the pin out of the part that the handwheel goes on? I need to get the bushing off the main shaft to put the belt on. The belt I got was an Adler 059 00 214 0. I was told it'll fit, I'll have to wait and see!
  2. https://www.college-sewing.co.uk/store/catalog/latest.aspx Expect to pay $30 - $40 in shipping for $10 in needles, if your in the USA!
  3. Replying to: Just scored a REX 26-188 Walking foot sewing machine for $50.00 now what? / Singer 16-188 / Chandler TDU-N62 / Consew 18 clone By myjtp, October 12, 2018 in Leather Sewing Machines I hope it ends up in the right place. You might need 16X64 needles. I bought them from College-Sewing UK a while back. I have a 16-188. They are the only place in the world I could find them. 16X63 needles are fairly easy to get; but, lack the chisel tip for leather. One person mentioned I could adjust my needle bar and use different needles ... What does your parts manual call for in needles? You have to ask them for the needles; they don't list them as parts they carry.
  4. I did leather craft in a high school class many years ago. I bought some 16x64 #21 needles for my sewing machine and want to do some projects (make stuff). My question, since not too many people are into crafts anymore (most people would rather buy made in China from Walmart), where is the closest place to Orland, CA I can purchase good quality leather and tooling? I don't think I want to buy off eBay; 'cause, it's site unseen .... Hopefully, there is a place closer than Sacramento. I have some 238 thread, and bonded T-90 bonded polyester thread. What types of threads a used for leather? In high school we used leather thread, and everything was seen by hand. Just curious ...
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