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Everything posted by beranch

  1. i am new at making things out of leather i want to make bible cover for my bible and tool my name on it want to veg tan what weight do i need to use it is 6 x 6 10 long 2" thick THANKS FOR THE HELP
  2. i have a old champion 30  and it worked then all at once the bobbin thread want be tight i have no Manual  or have never talked to any one that has one ----any help or advise or where any one that had a manual could make me a copy of how to adjust bobbin  

    1. HBARK


      I'm not sure why  that would happen.I don"t have a manual.Bob at Toledo Sewing Machines has a number of these machines.He may be able to help or may even have a manual.sounds like the bobbin thread is pinched or caught on something.sorry I can"t be of more help.






    2. beranch


      thanks --i have talked to cowboy bob no luck ---went to shop today put piece scrap in sew it the best worked great today ---i don't  know how to adjust switch or anything -- i will keep asking about a manual --and looking in shoe shops that may still be using one of the old beast --thank you for you time BE

  3. thanks CowboyBob i will pass this on to him he is a body shop guy so he will have the screwdriver i hope HaHa
  4. Any help please my friend got a 97-10 he can not get bobbin out he thinks there is a special tool to get out ---- can he make one?? --does anyone have a picture of this tool?? maybe buy one ??? Thanks BE
  5. I just got a old Champion machine seems to work but i don't know how to thread bobbin any help or where can i find copy of manual
  6. Got old shoe machine over weekend Perless 30 has not been used in 40 years 100's of dirt dobber nest got clean up and it seems to work..how do i thread it? or where could i get coy of manual ? any help woould be great
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