Hi I'm new to the forum. I'm in a small town on the east coast of Australia. I repair sewing machines for a living. I have just had a 31k48 come in for a service. We used to see a lot of them in the sixties They were a popular machine for light shoe making. Because they had a circular feed dog it never dropped below the plate and the circular feed was moved by dogs. The advantage of the no drop feed was control , the dis advantage was no reverse. I need a feed dog for the one i am working on. The operator did not notice the roller foot was seized and it has ground half the teeth off the circular feed. The feeders came in different configurations , wide and narrow and coarse and fine teeth. All the ones I have seen were made from cast iron. So far I have not been able to source replacement parts for the machine. I will have to strip it and try to find part numbers for the feed ,plate and bobbin case. Cheers Ron.