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Everything posted by Hernancito

  1. Hello, Sheila . The bag I’m making is fairly simple. No gusset, but it does have a lining which had me stumped, but think I’ve partially solved it. Djole, I’ve watched both of their vids. Great stuff! ESP the long ones. Nice to meet you both.
  2. Thanks, fellas. I’m overwhelmed for sure, but making progress on the daily by staring at it, taking notes and trying the get the start to finish sequence correct on paper before commencing. Made a mock-up out of watercolor paper that’s helping me visualize things n allows for easy color change/design adjustments. Off to check out hardware n strap types.
  3. Hello, leather community. After years of longing to make leather goods I finally decided to pull the trigger, buy the tools and make my wife a purse for Christmas. I’ve been a chromatography engineer in the pharmaceutical industry for the last 11 years w aspirations to make it as an oil painter. Picked up a bunch of books on leather working and tooling. So far I’ve only made a head knife sheath from scratch and am moving on to the purse. Leather working is much more complex than I anticipated, which is a turn on for me I didn’t expect. Below are some of my paintings and the sheath. Look forward to getting to know you all. Ps. I also make custom made slingshots. If there are any shooters, please hit me up! Wish you all a great Sunday www.faraciart.com
  4. Hello, all. Newbie here. I’d like to purchase a CB3200 or CB4500 and was hoping to pick it up assembled. The Cowboy site doesn’t seem to have dealer locations so I was hoping someone here can point me to a close dealership. So far Toledo in OH is the closest I’ve found. Thanks, Hernan
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