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Posts posted by leatherpounder

  1. Does anyone have any experience with repairing ladies' purses? I've repaired like 5 purses in the last 3 weeks. Mostly by a referral by a shoe repair shop. If anyone has experience with this, what kind of method do you use for charging for repair? What kind of repairs do you do or NOT do and why.  Any and all thoughts would be appreciated.

  2. One supplier of course is Tandy. Their different sizes and all be sharpened much better than the come from the factory. Just use some wet/dry 1200 grit sand paper on a hard surface until it is polished. Then use rouge on a piece of leather to make the final polish. it must be polished to be sharp!

    Another supplier is Barry King Tools of Sheridan, WY. He makes stainless steel edgers that come sharp. But to keep them sharp, use the method above. Does this answer your question?

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