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    Crescent City. CA

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  1. Quigley saddlebags « on: Yesterday at 04:46:41 pm » Howdy folks, I am starting a project to make a knock off of the saddlebags Tom Selleck carried in Quigley Down Under. It seems pretty straight forward, except for the strap and how it works. IT looks like it comes down the front flap and then loops through a slot to hook into the front cover of the bag, back out and secure to a buckle attached to the front flap. This doesn't seem very strong, but it looks good. I am including a link to a picture of a beautiful professional copy done by Chisholm Trail Old West Leather. Their website is full of great leather and is the source for much inspiration to me. I hope I am not doing anything wrong by linking their picture, but it is perfect. http://www.westernleatherholster.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/Als-Quigley-saddle-bags.jpg Does anyone have an idea how this strap works and is attached? Thanks Dan
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