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  • Location
    Central Va., southwest of Richmond
  • Interests
    My family, Country, leather, learning to sew, ren, learning...

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    noob trying to learn
  • Interested in learning about
    making pouches, bags
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    word of mouth

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  1. But it looked so simple to make. Until you see just how large an 18"x18"x6" leather tote really is and how many holes you have to make BEFORE you even start hand sewing such a monster. My hands haven't quit hurting yet and it's been a week since I finished it for the wife's birthday present... No more hand sewing, wife said I need a machine, she has ideas now....
  2. Found my way here by a friend telling me. Just learning a new hobby and already figured out hand sewing is NOT for me. In case your curious or geographically challenged, the Mother Lode is in the Sierra Nevada mountains of northern CaliforCalifornia, and yes I am a bit of a wise guy...
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