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Everything posted by jennifer1962

  1. thanks for the photos and explanation We are putting out foot against the bench too. Thanks
  2. Hi i just ordered the tool you spoke about, thank you so much, we don't have much upper body strength, this should help. Again thank sooo much God Bless you too
  3. you all have been amazing, I'm going to try and see if the tool helps pulling it through along with the conditioner (not sure which side to put the conditioner on) I really had no idea this tool was for small strips. One day if we have enough money we can get a crank splitter, BuT who would be able to sharpen it for us , we are in the middle of nowhere, and if it dulls???
  4. Wow that sounds expensive and im worried about not having anyone to sharpen it where we are And there isn't anyone on this side of the world who splits leather. Our concern is that we need to use the same cow for the pockets, because the dye changes soooo much between cows. And the pockets need to match. Thanks so much
  5. Yes, sharpening knives is very scary, but the idea of neats foot conditioner and the 6 in. Straight Jaw Sheet Metal Seamer is a great idea. Thank you so much:)
  6. wow! so many ideas and options, thank you so much, we are very new to this field, we have a vision, but we are kind of like the blind leading the blind. That's very good information, i really thought I only had to buy a splitter as wide as the leather. Also I didn't know that thickness made a difference. THank hou
  7. that's really cool!
  8. Hi there, Im from Oregon, but am working overseas, trying to get a small leather company up and running to help my two disabled adult children income I thought I was almost at the finish line to split my veg tan leather to sew pockets for my traveler's notebooks, so...and I ordered a Tandy leather splitter, which cost me an arm and a leg to ship overseas, and found that it seems to be only for thin pieces of leather, because when we tried to put our five inch wide piece through, it was so hard to get it through that we have to pull so hard and it stretches the leather:( Im so lost... it sees like i bought the wrong tool.
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